The PETRUS III Project
This project receives funding from the EURATOM Research and Training programme 3 years under grant agreement N° 605265.
PETRUS III (Presentation of the PETRUS III project by Univ. Lorraine) is a project granted by European Commission within the 7th EURATOM Framework program, European Fission Training Schemes (EFTS) in ‘Nuclear Fission, Safety and Radiation Protection’, whose objective is to promote Education and Training (E&T) in geological disposal of radioactive waste.
Petrus-Opera PhD conference 2016
Started on 1 September 2013 for a period of three years.
- Practical implementation of the PETRUS training programme following ECVET principles (WP1 and WP2):
- Set up qualification in geological disposal that can be achieved, accredited and recognised both through formal and PD training programmes
- Elaboration of multidisciplinary training and research framework for PhD for PhD student (WP3)
- Organize periodic PhD events
- Favour the emergence of multidisciplinary researches.
- Development of strategies and frameworks for maintaining PETRUS initiative over the long initiative over the long-term (WP4 and WP5).
- Collaborate with the IGD-TP’s Competence Maintenance Education and Training (CMET) Working Group
- Create framework for the integration to the ENEN structure
Since 2005 “PETRUS” initiative coordinates universities, radioactive waste management organizations, training providers and research institutes efforts to develop cooperative approach to E&T in the geological disposal. PETRUS proposes an innovative strategy to ensure the continuation, renewal and improvement of the professional skills by sharing resources from both academia and industries. The Consortium includes twenty one (21) representatives from twelve (12) different countries all over Europe.
PETRUS III is a project granted by European Commission within the Euratom program (7th Framework Program), whose objective is to promote Education and Training (E&T) in geological disposal of radioactive waste. Started on 1 September 2013 for a period of three years.
Prof. Bazargan-Sabet Behrooz
Ecole des Mines de Nancy
Université de LORRAINE (UL), France
Email:Â B.Bazargan-Sabet@Brgm.Fr
- CARDIFF University – Cardiff (United Kingdom)
- POSIVA Oy – Eurajoki (Finland)
- LNU, Linnen Universitetet – Vaxjo (Sweden)
- TU DELFT, Technische Universiteit Delft – Delft (Holand)
- AALTO-Korkeakoulusaatio – Aalto (Finland)
- UPM, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid – Madrid (Spain)
- MICANS, Microbial Analytics Sweden AB – Goteborg (Sweden)
- RAWRA, Radioactive Waste Depository Authority – Prague (Czech Republic)
- UPB, Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti – Bucarest (Romania)
- REC, Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe -Szentendre (Hungary)
- EMN, École Nationale SupĂ©rieure des Techniques Industrielles et des Mines de Nantes – Nantes (France)
- CEA, Commissariat Ă L’Ă©nergie Atomique at aux Énergies Alternatives – Paris (France)
- CIRTEN, Consorzio Interuniversitario per la Ricerca Tecnologia Nucleare – Rome (Italy)
- ENRESA, Empresa Nacional de Residuos Radiactivos SA – Madrid (Spain)
- ENEN, RĂ©seau EuropĂ©en pour L’enseignement des Sciences NuclĂ©aires – Gif-Sur-Yvette (France)
- ARAO, Agencija za Radioaktivne Odpadke – Ljubljana (Slovenia)
- CVUT, Ceske Vysoke Uceni Technicke V Praze – Prague (Czech Republic)
- SCK-CEN, Studiecentrum Voor Kernenergie – Bruxelles (Belgium)
- IST ID, Associacao do Instituto Superior Tecnico para a Investigacao e Desenvolvimento – Lisbonne (Portugal)
The present PETRUS III project is the continuation of the PETRUS initiative aiming at taking further step towards geological disposal E&T goals. The present project leans on the existing state-of-the-art, takes advantage of the developments carried out in the past projects (i.e. ENEN II and PETRUS II projects) and relies on the strong partnerships created at the beginning of the PETRUS initiative and reinforced since then.
WP Number   |  WP Title | Type of activity     |
WP1 | Â Elaboration of the PD training programme using ECVET model | COORDINATION |
WP2 | Â Actual implementation of the PD training programme | COORDINATION |
WP3 | Â Addressing the challenge of multidisciplinary skills at PhD level | COORDINATION |
WP4 | Â Think-Tank activities and link with the IGD-TP | COORDINATION |
WP5 | Â Sustainability, external collaborations and link with ENEN | COORDINATION |
WP6 | Â Project Management | MANAGEMENT |
The consortium will co-operate through a suitable organizational structure for co-coordinating E&T activities. In particular, the following items are targeted:
- Practical implementation of PETRUS training programme following ECVET principles: Starting from the outcomes of the previous project, we will experiment the elaboration and the implementation of training modules defined in term of learning outcomes in a “Competency-Based Curriculum”. The objective is to set up qualification in geological disposal that can be achieved, accredited and recognised both through formal and PD training programmes.
- Elaboration of multidisciplinary training and research framework for PhD student: The objectives are i) to fast-track the research activities in geological disposal by proposing customised training programmes, ii) organizing periodic PhD workshops and iii) favouring the emergence of multidisciplinary researches.
- Development of strategies and frameworks for maintaining PETRUS initiative over the long-term:
- Following the recommendations of the PETRUS End-users Council, the PETRUS III project will establish strategic plan for sustainability of the PETRUS initiative through:
i) establishment of a steering board for coordination and follow up of the PETRUS educational programme,
ii) collaboration with the IGD-TP’s Competence Maintenance Education and Training (CMET)Working Group with the aim of finding a continuing structure for the Professional Development scheme and its coordination, and
iii) creation of framework for the integration to the ENEN structure for the overall management of the radioactive waste disposal E&T activities under the association umbrella.
PETRUS III project strives also to continue the international cooperation by strengthen the links already established notably with China under ECNET project and with IAEA under PETRUS II project.
With the concrete decision for implementing the radioactive waste disposal in several European countries, it is likely that specific skills demanded in the future in this field will differ from those required in the past. Beyond meeting immediate demands, there is a necessity to change the way of thinking about skills acquisition and consider the importance of the long term needs. This means that together with traditional pathways to qualifications flexible approach to professional learning and development must be envisaged mainly through qualification targeted training programmes.
During PETRUS II project, a set of data for creating the portfolio of formative courses in geological disposal was provided as was the identification of possible knowledge gaps. The current and prospective end users needs have been discussed and described in accordance with job analysis and the necessity for professionals‟ mobility has been stressed.
The focus of PETRUS III project regarding the training activities is the effective implementation of the professional development programme targeting qualification at the academic Master‟s level. This will be the topic of the two first work-packages. The broader objective of WP1 and WP2 is to define how the training provision leading to high-level qualifications might best be configured to meet the end-users demand for skills linked to associate professional occupations. For this purpose the consortium will use the “European Credit system for Vocational Education and Training” (ECVET) as practical instrument. WP1 will apply the general “philosophy” of the ECVET system to the case of radioactive waste disposal. The first task in introducing ECVET system is the establishment of the Learning Outcomes that will shape the content of the training programme. Learning outcomes are statements of what a learner knows, understands, and is able to do on completion of a learning process. They are used as a basis for credit transfer and accumulation.
The consortium will precisely clarify the knowledge, skills and competence a holder of a qualification must have acquired to satisfy a specific job profile in geological disposal field. In this frame, cooperation with the IGD-TP and its Competence Maintenance, Education and Training working group will be instrumental. Such a link will be created through WP4. Furthermore, to better integrate the ECVET principles, the PETRUS III partners will contact and cooperate with National Teams of ECVET experts, established under the Lifelong Learning Programme of DG EAC and will take benefit from the experience of the ECVET Network; among participants to the project some are already members.