The NUSHARE Project

This project receives funding from the EURATOM Research and Training programme, 4 years under grant agreement N° 335530.

NUSHARE is a FP7 project implementing a European Education, Training and Information initiative proposed by the Commissioner for Research and Innovation and the Commissioner for Energy after the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on 11 March 2011 (Fukushima).

Its main objective is to develop and implement education, training and information programmes strengthening competences required for achieving excellence in nuclear safety culture. Particular attention is being paid to lessons learned from stress tests conducted on all EU nuclear Power Plants in response to the the Fukushima accident and to sharing best practices at the European level.

NUSHARE addresses the specific needs of different stakeholders in nuclear safety by the development and EU-wide dissemination of programmes for 3 target groups:

  • TG1: Policy decision makers and opinion leaders at the level of governments, parliaments, international organisations, scientific communities, journalists;
  • TG2 : Staff members of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities and Technical Safety Organisations (TSOs);
  • TG3 : Electric utilities, systems suppliers, and providers of nuclear services at the level of responsible personnel, in particular managers.

Project implemented from 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2017

Video summary of the NUSHARE workshop at EUROSAFE 2016 conference

Project implemented from 1 January 2013 to 30 June 2017

The NUSHARE project partners strive for the systematic consideration of the needs of end users of NUSHARE programmes and for involving further organisations in their implementation. Exchanges with stakeholders, i.e. individuals and organisations sharing interest in the NUSHARE objectives and ready to contribute with their own resources, are fostered:

to present and disseminate experience on embedding saety culture
to identify the stakeholder’s needs and suitable ways to address them within the NUSHARE programmes,
to increase the participation of stakeholders in pilot actions, in the implementation, and in the EU-wide dissemination of NUSHARE programmes

For additional information read the NUSHARE Description of Works

“Culture for Safety in Nuclear” by Manfred Haferburg at NESTET 2016

Opening of the NUSHARE workshop in the EUROSAFE Conference 2016

NUSHARE Stakeholders’ Meeting in Brussels

Presentations posted in the website Secured Area (only for registered participants).
Flyer: nushare-stakeholders-meeting-march-14th-2014-flyer-enen-association

The purpose of these event was threefold:

  • Inform about the NUSHARE project and its education, training and information programmes;
  • Provide opportunities for stakeholders to express their priorities regarding actions addressing competences related to safety culture;
  • Identify suitable ways for interested partiesto participate in the NUSHARE project.

The meeting allowed to establishing and implementing a catalogue of relevant European education, training and information programmes to be presented to a larger public and the media in spring 2014.

It was attended by:

  • Individuals and organisations sharing interest in education, training and information programmes related to nuclear safety culture;
  • Potential users of NUSHARE programmes;
  • Training providers interested in participating in the implementation and EU-wide dissemination of NUSHARE programmes.


29 May 2017: TG2 Implementation of the INBEx Training Course for academic teachers in Uppsala, Sweden

12 May 2017: TG2 Implementation of the INBEx Training Course for EC officers in Brussels, Belgium

10 May 2017: NUSHARE project Final Management Meeting in Brussels, Belgium

03 May 2017: TG2 Implementation of the Training tutorial of INBEx in Helsinki, Finland

April 2017: TG1 Launch of the Media Educational Package by the World Federation of Science Journalists

28 Feb.- 2 March 2017: TG2 Implementation of the Pilot course of INBEx training course for Finnish industry and regulator in Manchester, United Kingdom

03 March 2017: Presentation of the NUSHARE project at the ENEN General Assembly in Manchester, United Kingdom

24-28 January 2017: TG2 INBEx Workshop with top managers of Nuclear regulatory bodies and TSOs at CSN in Madrid, Spain

7-8 November 2016: TG1 EUROSAFE Conference and NUSHARE workshop with Journalists targeting information activities in Munich, Germany

September 2016 – January 2017: TG3 In-company Programme and workshop organised in Madrid, Spain

22 June 2016: TG1 project meeting in Paris, France

23-24 June 2016: TG3 Workshop with top managers of Nuclear industry at Tecnatom’s offices in Madrid, Spain

25 May 2016: TG1 NESTet2016 Conference – NUSHARE Event with the presentation of the technical approach to TG1 by “Culture for Safety in Nuclear” by Manfred Haferburg in Berlin, Germany

11 May 2016: 3rd Amendment of the NUSHARE Grant Agreement

10 May 2016: TG2 Implementation of the Pilot course of INBEx in Oskarsham, Sweden

14 April 2016: NUSHARE Management Meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

04 March 2016: TG3 Presentation of Tecnatom’s work for TG3 at the International Conference on Human and Organizational Aspects of Assuring Nuclear Safety, IAEA, in Vienna, Austria

05 March 2016: Presentation of the NUSHARE project at the ENEN General Assembly in Geel, Belgium

07 February 2016: 2nd Amendment of the NUSHARE Grant Agreement

05 February 2016: TG2 workshop in Paris, France

Sept. – Dec. 2015: TG2 Implementation of Module IV “Tutoring programme” in several locations in Europe

21 October 2015: TG3 Workshop with top managers of the Nuclear industry in Stockholm, Sweden

28 September 2015: TG3 Participation and presentation of NUSHARE at the IAEA workshop on “Leadership and Culture for Safety” hosted by EDF in Paris, France

7-11 September 2015: TG2 Implementation of Training program Module III, “How to evaluate Nuclear Safety Culture” in Bucharest, Romania

02 September 2015: TG1 Implementation of Information programme by INSTN-CEA to ANCCLI (Association Nationale des ComitĂ©s et Commissions Locales d’Information; in English, National Association of Local Information Committees and Commissions) in Paris, France

17 July 2015: FP7 Project NUSHARE Management Meeting in Saclay, France

23 June 2015: Presentation of the NUSHARE Project at the European Nuclear Young Generation Forum, ENYGF-2015 in Paris, France

8-26 June 2015: TG2 Implementation of Training program Module II in Garching, Germany

28 May 2015: TG1 Meeting between ENEN, CEA and WFSJ in Paris, France

4-8 May 2015: TG2 Implementation of Training program Module I in Stockholm, Sweden

09 April 2015: TG2 Meeting to prepare the training programme implementation in Paris, France

06 March 2015: Presentation of the NUSHARE project at the ENEN General Assembly in Helsinki, Finland

September 2014: TG2 Implementation of Training Program for TG2 in Stockholm, Sweden

02 July 2014: TG1 Pilot test in Saclay, France

24 June 2014: FP7 Project NUSHARE Meeting in Madrid, Spain

17 June 2014: Presentation of NUSHARE project at the ENEF Meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia

14 April 2014: Meeting with the World Federation of Science Journalists in Paris, France

09 April 2014: Presentation of the NUSHARE Project at the NUGENIA Forum and the SNETP Governing board in Ljubljana, Slovenia

07 April 2014: Presentation of the NUSHARE Project at the EHRON SAG meeting in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

13 March 2014: NUSHARE Stakeholders’ Meeting in Brussels, Belgium

07 March 2014: Presentation of the NUSHARE project at the ENEN General Assembly in Essen, Germany

12 February 2014: Presentation of Nushare, and the relevance of Nuclear Safety Culture at the Public Hearing on “The New Nuclear Safety Directive” at the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (Itre) of the EU Parliament

15 January 2014: 1st Amendment of the NUSHARE Grant Agreement

18 November 2013: Participation of NUSHARE in the FORATOM Leadership Workshop in Brussels, Belgium

12 November 2013: Presentation of Nushare at the IAEA Virtual Nuclear Management University (VNMU) in Vienna, Austria

17 October 2013: NUSHARE post-FISA-2013 Workshop in Vilnius, Lithuania

04 October 2013: TG1 Meeting with CEA in Paris, France

09 September 2013: Participation of NUSHARE in the IAEA Workshop on Leadership and Safety Culture in Vienna, Austria

27 August 2013: 3rd meeting of the NUSHARE Task Force in Munich, Germany

09 July 2013: 2nd meeting of the NUSHARE Task Force in Vienna, Austria

21 June 2013: TG1 Meeting with CEA in Paris, France

04 June 2013: 1st meeting of the NUSHARE Task Force in Paris, France

22 May 2013: Management meeting with INSTN-CEA in Paris, France

18 April 2013: Meeting with AREVA & EON in Köhl, Germany

22 March 2013: Meeting with AREVA & EON in Hannover, Germany

14 February 2013: NUSHARE Kick-off meeting in Paris, France

Project partners

NUSHARE has been launched through a grant to the European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN) Association. The responsibilities for the main tasks are with the French “Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires” (INSTN) of the CEA, the German “ISaR Institute for Safety and Reliability”, Spanish “Tecnatom” and “Universidad Politecnica de Madrid”, and the European Nuclear Safety Training and Tutoring Institute (ENSTTI). In a later amendmend of the project, the European Nuclear Society, the World Federation of Science Journalists and the Institute of Nuclear Business Excellence (INBEX), joined the NUSHARE Project.


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