ENEN RU II Project
Strengthening of Cooperation and Exchange for Nuclear Education and Training between the European Union and the Russian Federation
The ENEN RU II Project
This project receives funding from the EURATOM Research and Training programme, 3 years under grant agreement N° 605149.
Following-up on the structured dialogue established in the framework of cooperation through the FP7 ENEN-RU I project, in compliance with Agreement for cooperation between the European Atomic Energy Community and the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of nuclear safety dated 3 October 2001.
The ENEN-RU II project started, for a period of three years, on 1 July 2014.
Coordinator on the European side: ENEN
European Partners:
- European Nuclear Education Network (ENEN), France
- Belgian Nuclear Research Centre (SCK-CEN), Belgium
- Ceske Vysoke Uceni Techniske V Praze (CTU), Czech Republic
- Centrum Vyzkumu Rez S.R.O (CV REZ), Czech Republic
- Universität Stuttgart (IKE), Germany
- Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM), Germany
- Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per la Ricerca Tecnologica Nucleare (CIRTEN), Italy
- University Politehnica Bucharest (UPB), Romania
- Slovenska Techniska Univerzita v Bratislave (STUB), Slovakia
- University of Manchester (UM), United Kingdom
- Tecnatom (TEC), Spain
Coordinator on the Russian side: ROSATOM
Russian Partners:
- State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom”
- Rosatom Central Institute for Continuing Education and Training (ROSATOM-CICE&T)
- Consortium of ROSATOM Core Universities
- National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI” (NRNU MEPhI)
- Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Scientific Centre of the Russian Federation–Institute for Physics and Power Engineering named after A. I. Leypunsky” (FSUE “SSC RF – IPPE”).
Objectives of the Project:
Based on the achievements of the FP7 ENEN-RU project, to further define a common basis for effective cooperation between the European and Russian networks for nuclear Education &Training (E&T) the objectives of the project are:
- to define a detailed implementation plan based on the needs of cooperation in the long-term agreed during the ENEN-RU project;
- to solve the difficulties for cooperation found during the ENEN-RU project;
- to implement the plan in a sustainable manner;
- to operate the knowledge management framework;
- to list up and promote further use of E&T facilities, laboratories and equipments.
Work Packages of the Project:
- WP1: Nuclear Competence Building by Education and Training
- WP3: Pilot courses of ENEN-RU II, Strengthening Participation in Nuclear Education
- WP4: Strengthening Participation in Nuclear Training
- WP5: E&T Facilities, Laboratories and Equipment
- WP6: Project Management and Knowledge Dissemination
WP1 – Competence Building
Nuclear Competence Building by Education and Training
Objectives WP1
- To promote the implementation of the Bologna process and ECTS within the National Research NuclearUniversity in Russia in close relationship with the Russian regulations.
- To establish the nuclear competences required for BS and MS level graduates in Nuclear Engineering basedon learning outcomes as defined by knowledge, skills and attitudes.
- To analyse the curricula for Nuclear Engineering in EU countries and Russia.
- To investigate the opportunity of professional E&T passport based for Russian professionals
- To define, on this basis, the criteria for mutual recognition of nuclear E&T.
Description of work and role of partners
Description of work
- To define jointly with NRNU the nuclear competences of BS and MS level graduates in Nuclear Engineering.
- To organize a workshop with NRNU and the Ministry in charge of the Bologna system in Russia to define thesteps for implementation
- To analyse the existing curricula for Nuclear Engineering in EU and Russia and make recommendations.
- To present a mutually agreed strategy regarding future development of nuclear education and training in closecooperation with WP2 Forum conclusions.
- To make further recommendations on opportunity of professional passport implementation.
Description of deliverables
D1.11) Report on Nuclear Competence Building: Report on Nuclear Competence Building [month 12]
D1.12) Report on Nuclear Engineering Curricula: Report on Nuclear Engineering Curricula [month 24]
D1.13) Report on development of common certificate: Report on development of common certificate [month 24]
D1.14) Report on learning outcomes: Report on learning outcomes (list of learning outcomes, professionalpassport etc. – ref. ENEN III and EFTS projects) [month 36]
WP2 – Forum
Objectives WP2
- To establish the ENEN-RU E&T Forum, among the project partners and experts beyond the project, in order todiscuss both:
1) Short-term strategy, including the definition of subjects and modality for WP3 and WP4
2) Long-term strategy, in close cooperation with WP1 - To review the progress of the project, on regular basis, in terms of the short-term strategy and give advices to WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5 and WP6
- To clarify the long-term strategy and define actions to be taken towards the agreed future direction
Description of work and role of partners
- To invite experts beyond the project partners to the Forum
- To establish the ENEN-RU E&T Forum- To organize the Forum meetings on regular basis
- To report the progress of the project to the Forum
- To report recent development in terms of E&T cooperation between EU and Russia to the Forum
- To issue a Recommendation on the project and the short/long-term strategies
Description of deliverables
D2.21) Report on the structure of the ENEN-RU E&T Forum: Report on the structure of the ENEN-RU E&TForum [month 2]
D2.22) Report and Recommendation of the Forum 1st meeting: Report and Recommendation of the Forum 1stmeeting [month 2]
D2.23) Report and Recommendation of the Forum 2nd meeting: Report and Recommendation of the Forum 2ndmeeting [month 12]
D2.24) Report and Recommendation of the Forum 3rd meeting: Report and Recommendation of the Forum 3rdmeeting [month 24]
D2.25) Report and Recommendation of the Forum 4th meeting: Report and Recommendation of the Forum 4thmeeting [month 36]
D2.26) Final Report on the ENEN-RU E&T Forum: Final Report on the ENEN-RU E&T Forum [month 36]
WP3 – Nuclear Education
Pilot courses of ENEN-RU II, Strengthening Participation in Nuclear Education
Objectives WP3
- To organize and review the participation of Master and/or PhD students and professors to selected existingcourses organized by the project partners and the counterparts
- To organize joint course(s) at Master or PhD level taking into account the recommendations from theENEN-RU project.
- To organize joint PhD projects taking into account the recommendations from the ENEN-RU project
- To promote and demonstrate the use of distance learning tools to facilitate participation to selected courses
- To develop a system of financial support for students by the industry
Description of work and role of partners
- To create an inventory of existing courses suitable for the exchange of students and professors (organizedwithin the time frame of this project).
- To select relevant Master/PhD courses that are available for the exchange of students and professors, taking into account the short term strategy defined in WP2.
- To conduct, monitor and review the exchanges of students and professors during the selected courses from the inventory
- To organize
- Joint course(s) at Master or PhD level
- Joint PhD projects
- Participation in the ENEN PhD Event
- Distance learning
- To make a plan to develop a system of financial support for students by the industry
Description of deliverables
D3.31) Inventory of Master/PhD courses available for exchanges: Inventory of Master/PhD courses available forexchanges [month 12]
D3.32) Report on effective participation of European and Russian students and professors to the selectedcourses: Report on effective participation of European and Russian students and professors to the selectedcourses [month 36]
D3.33) Organisation of the joint course(s): Organisation of the joint course(s) [month 24]
D3.34) Organisation of the joint PhD projects: Organisation of the joint PhD projects [month 24]
D3.35) Report on the organisation of the joint course(s): Report on the organisation of the joint course(s) [month30]
D3.36) Report on the organisation of the joint PhD projects: Report on the organisation of the joint PhD projects[month 36]
D3.37) Report on the participation of Russian student to the ENEN PhD Event: Report on the participation ofRussian student to the ENEN PhD Event [month 36]
D3.38) Report on the experience and recommendation on the use of distance learning: Report on the experienceand recommendation on the use of distance learning [month 36]
D3.39) Report on a possible system for sustainable financing of students: Report on a possible system forsustainable financing of students [month 24]
WP4 – Nuclear Training
Strengthening Participation in Nuclear Training
Objectives WP4
- To organize and review the participation of young professionals and lecturers to selected training coursesorganized by the project partners and the counterparts.
- To organize one or more joint training courses taking into account the recommendations from the ENEN-RU project.
- To promote and demonstrate the use of distance learning tools to facilitate participation to selected training courses.
- To develop a system of financial support for young professionals by the industry
Description of work and role of partners
- To create an inventory of existing training courses suitable for the exchange of professionals and lecturers(organized within the time frame of this project).
- To select relevant training courses that are available for the exchange of professionals and lecturers, taking into account the short term strategy defined in WP2.
- To conduct, monitor and review the exchanges of young professionals and lecturers during the selected courses from the inventory
- To organize one or more joint training courses
- Decision of course topics (with link to WP2)
- Establishment of modular course content
- Definition of learning outcomes
- Identification and screening of potential trainees
- Organisation and teaching
- Analysis of feedback
- Explore the possibilities for training courses by distance learning
- To make a plan to develop a system of financial support for young professionals by the industry
Description of deliverables
D4.41) Inventory of training courses available for exchanges: Inventory of training courses available forexchanges [month 12]
D4.42) Report on effective participation of European and Russian trainees and lecturers to the selected trainingcourses: Report on effective participation of European and Russian trainees and lecturers to the selectedtraining courses [month 36]
D4.43) Organisation of the joint course(s): Organisation of the joint course(s) [month 24]
D4.44) Report on the organisation of the joint training course(s): Report on the organisation of the joint trainingcourse(s) [month 30]
D4.45) Report on the experience and recommendation on the use of distance learning: Report on the experienceand recommendation on the use of distance learning [month 36]
D4.46) Report on a possible system for sustainable financing of young professionals: Report on a possiblesystem for sustainable financing of young professionals [month 24]
WP5 – E&T Infrastructures
E&T Facilities, Laboratories and Equipment
Objectives WP5
The objective of the fifth Work Package is to further develop the web based database developed in the context ofthe ENEN-RU project through the:
- Improvement of the functionality and usability of the database of E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment;
- Management of the database content:
- Update and extend (when possible) the already collected data;
- Collect and introduce information about additional facilities, laboratories and equipment.
Description of work and role of partners
- To improve the design of the database developed in the context of the ENEN-RU WP5 by:
- The enhancement of the search functions through the introduction of more filters.
- The extension and implementation of better output capabilities.
- The increase of data input friendliness for the user.
- The addition of new database record types if needed.
- The introduction of a detailed help feature.
- The consideration of user feedback and specific input from other WPs and potential external users.
- The review of the information already existing in the database and update it if necessary
- The acquisition and input into the database of further information on E&T facilities, laboratories and equipmentfrom EU and Russia – in view of future international collaboration within the framework to be established byENEN-RU II
- The promotion of the use of the database not only by project partners but also by other stakeholders fromthe nuclear field. Additionally, to encourage the active involvement of database users in adding and updatingrelevant information in order to improve the quality of the data. These also offer, to some extent the possibility, ofdisseminating project achievements.
- To prepare a report containing a description of the upgraded database and a detailed user manual
- To complement the existing NEA database with all the facilities of nuclear training in the OCDE countries (byadding new entries in the NEA existing database, with the information gathered from project partner countries)
Description of deliverables
D5.51) Introduction of the ENEN-RU database and planning for further developments during the ENEN-RU IIproject: Introduction of the ENEN-RU database and planning for further developments during the ENEN-RU IIproject [month 6]
D5.52) E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database V.1.: E&T facilities, laboratories and equipmentdatabase V.1. [month 24]
D5.53) E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database, final version, including the details of the new entriesadded to the NEA database: E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database, final version, including thedetails of the new entries added to the NEA database [month 36]
D5.54) Report on the E&T facilities, laboratories and equipment database and user manual: Report on the E&Tfacilities, laboratories and equipment database and user manual [month 36]
WP6 – PM and Knowledge Diss
Project Management and Knowledge Dissemination
Objectives WP6
- To coordinate and manage the project according to the time schedule and budget
- To produce and support the dissemination of the project results and achievements
Description of work and role of partners
- To handle administrative and legal issues with the EC and among the project partners for implementation of the project
- To produce necessary legal documents and supervise the production of the deliverables
- To establish a list of success criteria for the implementation of the project
- To allocate project resources according to the contract and the needs
- To coordinate the Work Packages and motivate the involved parties
- To establish the Management Committee and the EU-Russia Project Committee
- To convene and organize the project meetings
- To produce the project reports
- To install a Quality Assurance procedure for the project deliverables
- To carry out the dissemination of the project results and external communications
- To define a structure of the project webpage, including the part opened to the public and the other limited to the project partners only
- To establish a project webpage according to the agreed structure
- To maintain and update the webpage of the project and the Database on a regular basis
Description of deliverables
D6.61) Report on the Kick-off meeting: Report on the Kick-off meeting [month 1]
D6.62) Report on the Evaluation of commitments Meeting (Go/No-Go meeting): Report on the Evaluation ofcommitments Meeting (Go/No-Go meeting) [month 6]
D6.63) Report on the 1st progress meeting: Report on the 1st progress meeting [month 12]
D6.64) Report on the 2nd progress meeting: Report on the 2nd progress meeting [month 24]
D6.65) 5 Report on the Final meeting: 5 Report on the Final meeting [month 36]
D6.66) Project financial statements and reports according to the contract: Project financial statements andreports according to the contract (month 12, 24 and 36) [month 36]
D6.67) Project dissemination of information and external communication: Project dissemination of informationand external communication (month 1-36) [month 36]
D6.68) Final project report: Final project report [month 36]
D6.69) Establishment of the webpage of the project: Establishment of the webpage of the project [month 3]
D6.610) Summary Reports on the use of web pages and the ENEN Database for international cooperation: Summary Reports on the use of web pages and the ENEN Database for international cooperation [month 36]
- 29 and 30 September 2014: ENEN RU II Project Kick-off Meeting in Obninsk and Moscow
- 30 September 2014: Presentation of the ENEN RU II project in Vuzpromexpo Conference in Moscow
- November 2014: Reference in the EU-Russia-Year of Science Website
- 6 March 2015: Presentation of ENEN RU II project in the ENEN General Assembly in Helsinki, Finland
- 1 June 2015: 1st Progress Meeting of the ENEN RU II project in Moscow
- 2 June 2015: Setup of the E&T Forum and presentation of the ENEN RU II project in ATOMEXPO 2015, in Moscow
- 24 and 25 November 2015: ENEN RU E&T Forum Meeting in Obninsk
- 23 to 27 November 2015: Joint E&T course on “Engineering aspects of Fuel Fabrication” in Obninsk
- 25 November 2015: Presentation of ENEN RU II project in the International Conference on “Nuclear Safety and Personnel Training” in Obninsk
- 4 March 2016: Presentation of the evolution of the ENEN RU II project in the ENEN General Assembly in Geel, Belgium
- 3 May 2016: Meeting of European partners in Brussels, Belgium
- June & July 2016: PhD stage of 3 researchers during 6-7 weeks in NRNU MEPhI, Moscow
- 27 June 2016: 2nd Project Progress Meeting in Saint Petersburg
- 4-15 July 2016: Participation of 4 EU researchers in the training Summer School on Neutronics at MEPhI, in Moscow
- June 2016: ENEN RU E&T Forum meeting in Saint Petersburg
- 27 June–1 July 2016: Joint Training course organized by ROSATOM-CICE&T: “The safety issues of VVER-type reactors with nuclear fuel based on reprocessed uranium” in Saint Petersburg
- 3-7 October 2016: Joint Training course on “Safety Culture Management: Methodology and Practice” in Saint Petersburg
- 10-14 October 2016: Joint Training course on “Systematic Approach to Training Methodology” organized by Tecnatom in Tarragona
- 8-9 December 2016: 3rd Project Progress Meeting of ENEN-RU II in Prague
- 3 March 2017: Presentation of the evolution of the ENEN RU II project in the ENEN General Assembly in Manchester, United Kingdom
- 25-28 April 2017: Joint Education course on the “Introduction to Nuclear safety analysis of Nuclear Reactors with state-of-art Computer Programs” by TU Munich, Germany
- 3-4 May 2017: Meeting of European partners in Brussels, Belgium.
- May 2017: Stage of an EU PhD researcher at NRNU MEPhI in Moscow
- 17-19 May 2017: Joint Education course on “Multiphysics simulation of nuclear systems” organized at the POLIMI campus in Milan, Italy
- 30 May-2 June 2017: Joint E&T course on “Simulation of different NPPs operation” organized at CTU in Prague, Czech Republic
- 20 June 2017: ENEN RU E&T Forum Meeting in ATOMEXPO 2017, in Moscow
- 21 June 2017: Final ENEN RU II Project Meeting in ATOMEXPO 2017, in Moscow
The Kickoff Meeting of the ENEN-RU II project took place in Obninsk and Moscow, Russian Federation, on 29-30 September 2014. A direct continuation of the FP7 ENEN-RU project which aim is to further improve the framework of cooperation between the EU and the Russian Federation in terms of Nuclear Education and Training.
2014 September –Â Presentation of the ENEN RU II Project in VUZPROMEXPO Conference
The ENEN RU II project was presented in the annual exhibition “VUZPROMEXPO-2014” on September 30th. VUZPROMEXPO is the main forum in the Russian Federation of national science as the basis of industrialization.
A special section was carried out to present the ENEN-RU II project to the public. Prof. Artisiuk, from the Russian side, and Mr. Dieguez Porras, from the European side, presented the Minutes of the Kickoff meeting, held the day before. The EU side emphasized the importance of nuclear safety culture and training for Generation III and IV systems while the Russian side included also the cooperation in the field of research reactors.
2014 October – Reference in the EU-Russia-Year of Science Website
Publication of the Kickoff meeting reference in the EU-Russia-Year of Science Website.
2015 March – Presentation of ENEN RU II project in the ENEN General Assembly in Helsinki, Finland
On 5 March 2015, the participants of the ENEN RU II project expressed their determination in the bilateral collaboration, addressing issues on safety culture and the specifics of education and training in EU and Russia in order to develop a fruitful cooperation. The training in WWER technology received particularly high interest.
2015 June – 1st Project Progress Meeting of the ENEN RU II Project
The 1st Progress Meeting of the ENEN-RU II project took place in ATOMEXPO 2015, Moscow, Russian Federation, on 1 June, 2015.
2015 June –Â Setup of the ENEN RUÂ E&TÂ Forum
The ENEN RU E&T Forum was set-up in ATOMEXPO 2015, Moscow, Russian Federation, on 2 June 2015.
The ENEN RU II project was presented at the Round Table: Integrated Solution For Personnel Training And Development Of Nuclear Infrastructure For National Nuclear Programmes
The following presentation ENEN-RU Project. Cooperation in personnel training (Pdf. 1,6 МB) was made by Pedro D. Porras, ENEN General Secretary.
2015 November – Joint course on “Engineering aspects of Nuclear Fuel manufacturing. From initial raw materials to fuel assemblies”
The joint course on “Engineering aspects of nuclear fuel manufacturing” took place in Obninsk, Russian Federation, on 23-27 November 2015. 8 European students and 4 young specialists from Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, Germany, Spain and Italy from organizations-members of ENEN Association acquired a better understanding of nuclear fuel properties and manufacturing techniques realized in Russian Federation.
Filip Osuky
Juan Ignacio Gonzalez Perez
Wael Hilali
Marek Ruscak
Ionita Madalina Georgina
Cucu Marina Mazaro
Dima Antonia
Stafie Catalin Alexandru
Pavel Gabriel Lazaro
Martin Sevecek
Raffaela Testoni
Rosa Lofrano
Richard Kamendje
2015 November –Â 1st Meeting of the ENEN RU E&T Forum
The International Conference on “Nuclear Safety and Personnel Training” hosted the first ENEN-RU II Forum Meeting in Obninsk, Russian Federation, on 24-25 November 2015.
During the meeting the EU and the Russian sides decided to develop a joint EU-RU MSc certificate in the field of nuclear engineering. To achieve this goal, the experience of ENEN is planned to be used which was obtained from EMSNE (European Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering). A possibility was also created for four ENEN PhD students to participate in the First summer school on “Engineering and computer modeling”.
For the next year, four courses were planned to take place:
- A two-week course for students and young specialists from countries with WWER technology
- A joint ENEN and ROSATOM-CICE&TÂ training course which topic is about nuclear safety culture
- One course on “SAT, Systematic Approach to Training” for European and Russian specialists.
2015 November – Presentation of ENEN RU II project in the International Conference on “Nuclear Safety and Personnel Training”
For the international Conference two extended abstracts were also submitted by ENEN (in the name of the President and of the Secretary General) and by UPB (Prof. Petre Ghitescu).
- “The ENEN-RU II Project in the frame of the actions of ENEN aimed at promoting mutual recognition in E&T” by Prof. Walter Ambrosini and Mr. Pedro Dieguez Porras.
- “ENEN-RU Project on Evaluation of Nuclear Engineering Curricula” by Prof. Petre Ghitescu.
2016 March – Presentation of the evolution of the ENEN RU II project in the ENEN General Assembly in Geel, Belgium
On 4 march 2016, the evolution of the ENEN RU II project was presented at the ENEN GA and several meetings were held among the European and Russian project partners.
2016 June & July – PhD stage of 3 researchers during 6-7 weeks in NRNU MEPhI
- Adrian Filip Calin
- Alessandro Tassone
- Filip Osusky
2016 June –Â Project and Forum meeting of ENEN-RU II in Saint Petersburg
During the Project and Forum meeting between 27 June and 01 July in 2016, the participants of the project discussed the achieved results and determined the future steps and cooperation strategy. Two Hungarians experts presented the current situation of needs on Education and Training in Hungary and the capabilities and infraestructures of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, member of ENEN.
2016 July – First International training Summer School on “Engineering Computer Modeling” in NRNU MEPhI
On 4-15 July 2016, this innovative Summer school took place with the attendance of the following students.
- Martin Ĺ eveÄŤek
- Adrian Filip Calin
- Alessandro Tassone
- Filip Osusky
27 June–1 July 2016 – Joint training course “The safety issues of VVER-type reactors with nuclear fuel based on reprocessed uranium”
With the title of “The safety issues of VVER-type reactors with nuclear fuel based on reprocessed uranium”, a joint training course was organized by ROSATOM-CICE&T branch in Saint Petersburg with the participation of trainees from Slovakia, Italy, Romania and Czech Republic.
- Jakub LĂĽley
- Branislav Vrban
- Ĺ tefan ÄŚerba
- Federico Antonello
- Roberto Mascherona
- Gabriel Lazaro Pavel
- Davit Harutyunyan
2016 October – Joint training course “Safety Culture Management: Methodology and Practice”
On 3-7 October 2016, this joint training course was implemented with the participation of the European facilitators, Mario Gonzalez, expert in Nuclear Safety Culture, as an embedded school/workshop in the XI International Nuclear Forum, event focused on discussion of strategic governance of nuclear power development safety issues. http://rosatom-cicet.ru/wp-content/uploads/booklets/liflet_ssc_1.pdf
2016 October –Â Joint training course/Workshop on “Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) Methodology” in Tarragona, Spain
Workshop on Systematic Approach to Training (SAT) Methodology was organized by TECNATOM for the delegation of ROSATOM-CICE&T. The promoted methodology can guartantee that the services have a high level of quality and they are constantly updated. The aim of the workshop was to implement this methodology to improve performance-based training for meeting nuclear plant job qualification requirements.
- Nuria RodrĂguez Linares
- Sara Camafort Luque
- JoaquĂn Zapater Bou
- Pilar Esteban Hernando
- Claudia Prior Miqueo
- Mikhail Fedorov
- Dmitry Fofanov
- Marina Kandalova
- Natalia Shulepova
- Sergey Solovyev
- Maksim Talabanov
2016 December -Project Progress meeting of ENEN-RU II in Prague, Czech Republic.
On 7 December 2016, the ENEN-RU II Project Meeting was organized in Prague, Czech Republic, where the results of cooperation for all Working Packages were presented by Ms. Natalia Shulepova from the side of ROSATOM-CICE&T. The plans of the cooperation in the following year were discussed as well which were deliberated by the ENEN Secretary General Mr. Pedro Dieguez Porras.
2017 April – Joint training course “Introduction to Nuclear safety analysis of Nuclear Reactors with state-of-art Computer Programs” hosted by TUM in Munich, Germany.
This course was organised on 25-28 April 2017.
- Moraru Dominic Eugeniu
- Voda Andreea Cristina
- Geamanu Valentin Iulian
- Dinu Victor Emanoil
- Cucu Marina Ionela
- Popescu Mihaela
- Nae Maria-Silvia
- Hera Mihai Ionut
- Daniel VlÄŤek
- VĂtek SladkĂ˝
- Anna Chiara Uggenti
- Václav Ĺ Ăsl
- Ranieri Marinari
2017 May-June – PhD stage of 1 researcher during 6 weeks in NRNU MEPhI
- Martin Oravkin, from STUBA, Slovakia.
2017 May – Joint training course “Multiphysics simulation of nuclear systems” organized at the POLIMI campus in Milan, Italy
On 17-19 May, this course was displayed on line for distant participation from MEPhI.
Physical participants in Milan:
- Stafie Catalin Alexandru
- VĂtek SladkĂ˝
- Nicolo Abrate
- Piero Ravetto
- Andrea Iovenitti
- Christian Castagna
- Andrea di Ronco
- Carolina Introini
- Francesco di Lecce
- Rosario Bellaera
- Lelio Luzzi
- Stefano Lorenzi
- Antonio Cammi
- Sara Boarin
- Eric Cervi
- Alessio Siviero
- Ettore Guadagni
Online participants from MEPhI:
- Dina Ali
- Martin Oravkin
- Phu Pham
- Hohlov Stanislav
- Anastasiya Farkhulina
- Ekaterina Bogdanova
- Rynat Bahdanocivh
- Ahmed Ghadbane
- Hamza Hasnaoui
2017 June – Joint training course “Simulation of different NPPs operation” organized at CTU in Prague, Czech Republic.
This course included practical activities in the facilities of the research reactor.
- Denis Podoliakin Denis
- Evgenii Varseev
- Ivan Andriushin
- Sergei Solovev
- Emil Sitdikov
- Maksim Talabanov
- Ioana Arama
- Mario Andrei Militaru
2017 June – Final Project meeting of ENEN-RU II in Moscow
At the IX International Forum “ATOMEXPO-2017” the representatives of ENEN and ROSATOM-CICE&T signed a Memorandum of Understanding renewing the successful cooperation between organizations. The participants reviewed the results of the ENEN-RU II project, shared their experiences and discussed the plans for further cooperation.