SCK CEN is welcoming PhD Applications until MARCH 23, 2022
Fields are diverse: nuclear technology, materials, radiation protection, waste & disposal, decommissioning, etc…
The list of available topics:
- 161Tb-labeled radiopharmaceuticals targeting mucin receptors for treatment of pancreatic cancer
- Advancement of personal neutron dosimetry by establishment of flexible reference simulated neutron workplace fields and computational neutron dosimetry
- Assessment of out-of-field doses in proton therapy with variation of clinical parameters
- Deep learning for 3D porous media reconstruction of clay and cement-based materials
- Development of a Numerical Multi-Physics Method to Analyze the Vibration Characteristics of Rotating Components in Liquid Metal
- Development of a thorium based target for the production and release of Ac225 at the ISOL facility of MYRRHA
- Development of fast and sensitive methods for radiotoxicological and biodistribution studies/analyses of radionuclides used in medical applications (e.g. 225Ac)
- Development of new ligands for selective separation of americium
- Development of TRNT radiopharmaceuticals targeting Hsp90
- Evolution of transport, microstructural and hygro-mechanical properties of cementitious materials subjected to coupled chemical degradation via a multiscale approach
- Experimental analysis of nuclear fuel depletion : method development, validation and uncertainty assessment
- Fecal microbiotal transplantation as a method for improving the outcomes of the dual radio- and immunotherapies within a colorectal cancer mouse model
- Finite element investigations of loading rate and crack configuration effects to extract fracture toughness from the Charpy impact test
- Formation mechanisms of nanovoid and nanobubble superlattices in fissile materials
- Functional characterization of D630023F18Rik in the DNA damage response and brain development
- HERMMES – Hadron Energy Resolved Measurement using Magnetic Electron Separation
- Impact of carbonation on corrosion, mechanical and transport properties of blended cements
- Improving Nuclear Fuel Microstructure Characterization By Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Scanning Electron Microscopy Data
- Influence of redox conditions and organic matter on the partitioning and mobility of naturally occurring radionuclides (NOR‘s) in geothermal systems
- Investigating the radioprotective mechanisms of biotic food supplements using human gut organoids-derived bioreactor
- Machine learning for accurate and efficient uncertainty quantification in radiological waste characterization
- Neutron Data Benchmarking at the VENUS-F zero power reactor for MYRRHA
- Optimization of computational dosimetry of workers in dismantling and decommissioning using machine learning
- Oxidation and corrosion mechanisms in actinide oxide systems
- Personal online dosimetry of astronauts using computational methods
- Photonuclear cross-section measurements for the production of medical radioisotope Actinium-225
- Quantitative Assessment of Corrosion Products Release Rate in Liquid LBE
- Shape controlled thorium dioxide precipitation routes
- Fuel Materials
- Small-scale mechanical punch testing for fusion and fission structural materials
- Sorption of radionuclides onto C-S-H and C-A-S-H at various degradation stages
- Super-resolved analysis of lamin-mediated DNA damage repair after high LET irradiation and its applicability to predictive modelling of individual radiation sensitivity in cancer patients
- The role of miRNAs in regulating dose rate and plant developmental-dependent responses to gamma-irradiation in rice