
OPPORTUNITIES at Forschungzentrum Juelich

There are two 6-months long opportunities at FZJ, in Germany

Coupled containmentFOAM-Modelica modeling of the passive safety systems of small modular reactors

Schedule (6 months):
2 weeks: Literature review on coupling strategies or modeling of pressure decay systems.
6 weeks: Familiarization OpenModelica and containmentFOAM
8 weeks: Implementation of new developments for the Modelica models (coupling scheme and/or heat and mass transfer phenomenology)
6 weeks: Execution of coupled simulations, test of the robustness of the coupling and implementation of improvements if necessary. Application-oriented validation.
4 weeks: Preparation of the final documentation.

Modelling the passive cooling of small modular reactor containments submerged in a water pool using containment FOAM

Schedule (6 months):
2 weeks: literature review on external cooling of submerged containments.
4 weeks: familiarization OpenFOAM / containmentFOAM
2 weeks: evaluation of optimal modeling approach to simulate the external cooling with containmentFOAM
6 weeks: development of model input and simulation of available experiments (boundary condition as a heat source for the external pool)
8 weeks: set-up coupled case with the current version of containmentFoam to represent the heat source to the external pool
4 weeks: Preparation of the final documentation


For both positions, the contact person is

Carlos Vázquez-Rodríguez,

Institute for Energy and Climate Research, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, c.vazquez-rodriguez@fz-juelich.de, 02461/618057