SCK CEN is welcoming PhD Applications until MARCH 23, 2023
Fields are diverse: radiochemistry, reactor engineering, nuclear technology, materials, radiation protection, waste & disposal, decommissioning, etc…
The list of available topics:
A whole-body physiologically based pharmacokinetic model for personalized 161Tb-PRRT
Research in Dosimetric Applications
Application of Lemna-based technologies to remediate radioactively polluted water and investigation of valorisation potential of residual phases
Biosphere Impact Studies
Changing of the Guard: Managing safety and security interactions in a context of nuclear technological innovation
Nuclear Science and Technology Studies
Developing flexible matrices for transmutation targets
Fuel Materials
Development of a molten salt electrorefining process suited for the recycling of HALEU fuel production scraps
Development of a novel laser spectroscopy apparatus for high-precision studies of radioactive isotopes at ISOL@MYRRHA
Physics and Target Research
Development of organ-on-chip sensors to monitor cardiac tissue
Evaluation of the corrosion rate and mechanism of metallic uranium (BR1 fuel) in highly alkaline and anaerobic conditions
R&D Waste Packages
First generation targets for the ISOL facility of MYRRHA – A Si/Ti target for Al and Mg isotopes
Physics and Target Research
In vivo and in silico assessment of circular RNAs as novel long-term biomarkers of radiation exposure for biodosimetry
Innovative detector set-ups for the robust quantification of radiological data acquired with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Crisis Management and Decision Support
Neutronic experiments at VENUS-F in support of lead-cooled small modular reactor deployment
Nuclear Systems Measurements
Novel assays of ‘difficult-to-measure’ radionuclides in the context of a sustainable waste management
Low-level Radioactivity Measurements
Oxidation and corrosion mechanisms in actinide oxide systems
Fuel Materials
Personal online dosimetry of astronauts using computational methods
Research in Dosimetric Applications
Screening of airborne radioxenon measurements for Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification
Crisis Management and Decision Support
Separation and purification of medical radioisotopes by solvent extraction in milliflow reactors
Shape controlled thorium dioxide precipitation routes
Fuel Materials
Super-resolved analysis of lamin-mediated DNA damage repair after high LET irradiation and its applicability to predictive modelling of individual radiation sensitivity in cancer patients
Towards insights of formation, growth and degradation of thin oxide films on steels in liquid lead as applied for Lead-cooled Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)
Reactor Research & Engineering
Understanding the RNA regulatory interactome landscape of radiation response in glioblastoma.